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Derma Gel 's Pre/Post Care Instructions

Cellenis Derma Gel Post Care Instructions

Please review all pre and post instructions prior to signing consent for all treatments.
By providing your consent for these procedures, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to the following care instructions:

General Contraindication Clearance Form
  1. Health Status: 
  • Clients should be in good health and have no chronic illnesses or medical conditions that could affect the outcome of my treatment. 
  1. Medications: 
  • Have not currently taken Motrin, aspirin, or any other blood-thinning medications, and I agree to avoid these for 72 hours before any invasive treatment.
  • Have not consumed antibiotics or steroids within the last 10 days. If I have, I will reschedule my appointment. 
  1. Skin Condition: 
  • Arrive with clean skin, free of makeup, lotions, and any other products. 
  • Not using Accutane and have not used it within the last 6 months. 
  • Do not used retinols or skin-lightening products in the treatment area for 7-10 days, unless otherwise instructed by my provider. 
  1. Cold Sores: 
  • Pre-treat for cold sores 3-7 days before treatments involving the face or private areas if I am prone to them. 
  1. Hydration and Nutrition: 
  • Maintain a minimum intake of 62 ounces of water daily for 5-7 days post-treatment. 
  • Eat a protein-based meal before my treatment. 
  1. Review and Questions: 
  • Review the contraindications, pre, and post-instructions located on the Skin+Tonic Brighton website: www.skinandtonicbrighton.com. 
  • If I have any questions, I will contact the office at 810-522-4799 (call or text). 
Medical Conditions Contraindicated for Aesthetic treatments: 
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Active infections or rashes in the treatment area
  • Severe or uncontrolled chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular disease)
  • History of severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis 
  • Recent surgery or invasive procedures in the treatment area 
  • Use of immunosuppressive medications 
  • Cancer or undergoing cancer treatments 
Website: www.skinandtonicbrighton.com  After hours Contact: 810-522-4799 (call or text) These guidelines help ensure your safety and the effectiveness of your treatments.
  • Health Considerations: Dermal fillers and neurotoxins cannot be administered if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, allergic to any ingredients, or have neurological disorders. Any concerns should be addressed before your appointment.
  • Medication Restrictions: Refrain from using blood thinners, Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, and Aleve one week prior to treatment. Consult your physician before discontinuing Aspirin for medical reasons. If on prescription blood thinners, consult your primary care physician (PCP) before treatment.
  • Supplement Avoidance: Avoid supplements like St. John’s Wort, ginkgo biloba, primrose oil, garlic, ginseng, and Vitamin E for one week before treatment.
  • Topical Product Restriction: Refrain from using Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinols, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, or any “Anti-Aging” products three days before the procedure.
  • Hair Removal: Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or using hair removal cream on the treatment area for three days prior.
  • Substance Restrictions: Do not consume alcoholic beverages, RX pain medication, smoke any substances, or use illegal substances 48 hours before treatment.
  • Cold Sore Information: Inform staff if you are prone to cold sores. If you had a cold sore within the last 10 days or anticipate one, reschedule for your safety.If you have a history or chronic cold sores, you must pretreat for 7 days pre and post any facial injectables. If you have not, you will need to reschedule and will be subject to a $50 rescheduling fee.
  • Pre-Treatment: Schedule appointments at least two weeks before special events to allow for possible bruising or post complications. 
  • Face Washing: Wash your face gently with upward light movements using mild antibacterial soap the evening of the injections. Dial soap is best but general face cleanser is fine unless otherwise instructed.
  • Ointment/Cream Use: Do not apply any ointments or creams unless instructed by staff.
  • Makeup Restriction: Avoid makeup over injection sites for 24 hours to reduce the risk of bacterial entry. If necessary, use antibacterial barrier cream.
  • Headwear Avoidance: Refrain from wearing hats or headbands for 24-48 hours.
  • Facial Activities Restriction: Avoid facials, rubbing, or massaging the treated area, and avoid using clarisonic devices for 10 days  post-injection.
  • Activity Avoidance: Do not lie down or engage in strenuous exercise for 4-6 hours after treatment.
  • Avoid saunas, LED light therapy, hot tubs, swimming pools, massage, or tanning for 48 hours.
  • Pain Relief: If needed, take Regular strength Tylenol; avoid aspirin, excedrin, or ibuprofen for 1 week.
  • Bruising Management: Use arnica tablets, apply arnica or  CBD cream, consume arnica or bromelain tablets to prevent and/or reduce bruising time.
  • If you have ANY concern, always send a photo to 810-522-4799 with a description of the issue and/or call the after hours nurse line.
  • Sculptra clients: Massage 5 times a day for 5 days for 5 mins each time to avoid nodules

For Urgent questions or concerns, call 810-522-4799 , text if non urgent. 

  • Allergy Notification: Notify staff of any shellfish or Lidocaine allergies.
  • Clean Face: Arrive with a clean, makeup-free face.
  • Anesthesia Application: Topical or injectable anesthetic may be applied/requested for comfort during the procedure.
  • Be sure to eat a meal including a protein prior to treatment day.
  • Take Tylenol 1000 mg prior to treatment PRN
Follow-Up Treatment Schedule
  1. If on a package or series, confirm your next treatment appointment. It is recommended to have 3-4 treatments sometimes 6 depending on the treatment, with maintenance sessions every 6 months and annual repeats to enhance and sustain results and collagen production.

    For Best Results

    1. Medical-Grade Skin Care: Use recommended products suited for your skin needs. Ask for assistance if unsure.
    2. Hydration: Continue with Aquafacials or Dermaplaning.
    3. Complementary Treatments:
    4. Skin Wave Aquafacial: Schedule before your next Virtue RF treatment to boost hydration and collagen production.
    5. CO2 Cool Peel: Consider for maximizing results.
    6. Botox: Consider injections at the end of your treatment series to maintain wrinkle reduction.
    7. Collagen Supplements and Hyaluronic Acid Topicals: Use to improve skin tone and volume.

    What To Do Next

    1. Appointment Scheduling: If on a package, confirm your next treatment appointment.
    2. Treatment Frequency: 3-4 treatments initially, with maintenance every 6 months; repeat annually to sustain results and collagen production.

    Additional Recommendations

    1. Pre-Treatment: Schedule a Skin Wave Aquafacial before your next treatment to boost hydration and collagen production.
    2. Advanced Treatments: Consider stacking a CO2 Cool Peel to maximize results.
    3. Maintenance: Continue with medical-grade skincare, take oral collagen supplements, and use hyaluronic acid topicals. 
    4. Botox injections at the end of your treatment series can help maintain wrinkle reduction.

    What To Do When Your Package Is Complete

    1. Photos: Submit post-treatment photos to help your provider track anti aging progression and share results.
    2. Reviews: Share your experience with a review on Google or Facebook
    3. Sun Protection: Use sunscreen consistently to protect your results.
    4. Schedule your follow up treatment plan to maintain your results and continue your recommended treatment plan. 

    When To Contact Your Provider

    For questions or concerns, please contact our staff at 810-522-4799.


Take daily photos for a minimum of 3 days and on day 10, text to our secure line or bring them to your follow-up appointment.

  • Fever, chills, or discharge from injection sites
  • Cold sore eruption
  • Pain unrelieved by Tylenol
  • Bruising is to be expected but white, dusky, bluish discoloration and/or sluggish circulation is an indication of an urgent compilation and requires immediate attention. Please contact the Nurse Immediately at 810-522-4799.
  • Touch-up needed after 10-14 days
  • General reassurance or questions
  • Remember that there are no guarantees, and every “body” reacts differently to injectables. Your provider does their best to achieve the results you are requesting.
  • Be aware that results from neurotoxins may take 3-7 days to start to appear and are fully active in 10-14 days.
  • Daxxify takes 3 weeks to fully set in. Note that day 10-15 sometimes has a “heavy feeling” that should subside.
  • Fillers/prp injectables and Derma Gel may continue to plump/settle/redistribute for 2-4 weeks.
  • PDO Thread Specifics: Follow specific guidelines for PDO threads, avoiding heavy lifting, extreme facial expressions, cardiovascular activity, and lying on the implanted area for a minimum of 4 weeks. RISK of broken threads. If any threads feel as if they are “poking out” clip with sterile cuticle scissors but DO NOT PULL. Best to contact your provider. 

Please carefully read and follow these Instructions after your Cellenis Derma PRP treatment. There are minimal restrictions after your Cellenis Derma PRP injections allowing you to return to your daily activities almost immediately.

Do NOT touch, press, rub, or manipulate the treated area (s) for at least 8 hours after your treatment. Avoid vigorous scrubs, exfoliation or facial treatment in the area of treatment for 72 hours. If you have any questions or concerns about lumps or bumps, please call the office before taking matters into your own hands.

Do NOT do anything that causes infection for 48 hours. i.e. swimming in dirty lakes or rivers, letting pets lick your face, touching your face without washing your hands, cleaning out horse stalls, etc. Do not wash or take a shower for at least 6 hours after your treatment.


  • Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Aleve (all non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory agents),
  • Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days –
  • 1week prior to and after your treatment. Remember, we are creating inflammation, so let your body’s immune system do what it needs to.

If you experience discomfort or pain you may take Tylenol or other Acetaminophen products if you are not allergic to them.

No icing post injection. The inflammation from the procedure is necessary to produce the results we are looking for.

If you are prone to cold sores (oral herpes simplex), take your prescribed medication (Famvir, Famciclovir, Valtrex, Valacyclovir, Acyclovir) as prescribed in the 24 hours prior to your treatment, or ask your injector to prescribe you one of the medications.

If you have any areas that are increasing in pain and redness after 24 hours, please call the office immediately. Swelling and tenderness are normal but should get progressively better. If anything is getting worse or extreme, it can be a sign of infection or occlusion, and must be dealt with immediately by your medical professional.

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