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Cartessa Tetra CoolPeel Co2 Laser Resurfacing

Restore Your Skin's Radiance and Reveal a Refreshed Complexion

Cartessa Tetra CoolPeel Co2 Laser Resurfacing

Restore Your Skin's Radiance and Reveal a Refreshed Complexion

Transform your skin with the advanced Co2 Laser Resurfacing service at Skin & Tonic Brighton. This innovative treatment harnesses the power of fractional carbon dioxide laser technology to address a range of skin concerns and restore a youthful and radiant complexion.

During the Co2 Laser Resurfacing service, highly focused laser beams are used to create micro-injuries in the skin. This triggers the body’s natural healing response, stimulating collagen production and promoting the growth of new, healthier skin cells. The precision of the treatment allows for targeted resurfacing, addressing specific areas of concern, such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, uneven skin texture, and pigmentation irregularities.


One of the key benefits of Co2 Laser Resurfacing is its ability to provide remarkable results with minimal downtime. While individual experiences may vary, most patients can expect a few days of recovery, during which the treated skin may appear red and feel slightly sensitive. As the healing process progresses, you will notice a significant improvement in skin tone, texture, and overall appearance.


The Co2 Laser Resurfacing service is suitable for various skin types and can be tailored to address specific concerns and treatment areas. Our experienced practitioners will assess your skin condition, discuss your goals, and create a personalized treatment plan to achieve optimal results.

If you’re looking to rejuvenate your skin, diminish the signs of aging, and achieve a smoother and more youthful complexion, Co2 Laser Resurfacing at Skin & Tonic Brighton is the solution you’ve been searching for. Contact us at (your phone number) to schedule your initial consultation and discover how Co2 Laser Resurfacing can help you reveal your best skin. Let our expert team guide you on a journey to renewed confidence and a revitalized appearance.


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BENEFITS OF Cartessa Tetra CoolPeel Co2 Laser Resurfacing

Experience the numerous benefits of Co2 Laser Resurfacing at Skin & Tonic Brighton, where we are dedicated to helping you achieve your skincare goals. This advanced treatment offers a range of advantages, including:
Smoother and more youthful skin:
Co2 Laser Resurfacing stimulates collagen production, resulting in improved skin elasticity, reduced fine lines, and a smoother texture. You’ll notice a visible reduction in wrinkles and a rejuvenated, youthful appearance.
Treatment for multiple skin concerns:
Whether you’re dealing with acne scars, sun damage, age spots, or uneven skin tone and texture, Co2 Laser Resurfacing can effectively address a wide range of skin concerns, helping you achieve a more even and radiant complexion.
Precision and customization:
The fractional nature of the Co2 laser allows for precise targeting of specific areas, tailoring the treatment to your unique needs. Our skilled practitioners can adjust the intensity and depth of the treatment to address your specific concerns, ensuring optimal results.
Minimal downtime:
While recovery experiences may vary, Co2 Laser Resurfacing typically involves a few days of downtime. Following the treatment, you can expect some redness and sensitivity, which gradually subsides. Compared to traditional resurfacing techniques, the downtime is relatively minimal, allowing you to return to your regular activities sooner.
Long-lasting results:
Co2 Laser Resurfacing provides long-lasting results by stimulating collagen production and promoting the growth of new, healthy skin cells. As your skin continues to heal and regenerate, you will notice ongoing improvements over time. Results can be further enhanced and maintained with proper skincare and follow-up treatments.
Versatility for various skin types:
Co2 Laser Resurfacing is suitable for a wide range of skin types and tones. Our experienced practitioners will evaluate your skin condition and customize the treatment to ensure the best possible outcome for your specific needs.
Personalized treatment plans:
At Skin & Tonic Brighton, we believe in providing personalized care. Our expert team will assess your skin, discuss your goals, and create a tailored treatment plan to address your unique concerns and achieve optimal results.
Boost in Confidence:
Dysport injections can boost your self-confidence by helping you achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. As wrinkles diminish, you can feel more comfortable and confident in your skin, radiating a positive and vibrant energy.

Cartessa Tetra CoolPeel Co2 Laser Resurfacing RESULTS

Following Co2 Laser Resurfacing at Skin & Tonic Brighton, you can expect remarkable results that will leave you thrilled with your skin’s transformation. As the treated areas heal, you will notice a significant improvement in various skin concerns. Fine lines and wrinkles will be visibly reduced, revealing smoother, more youthful-looking skin. Acne scars and pigmentation irregularities will be diminished, resulting in a more even skin tone and texture. The collagen stimulation from the treatment will continue to work over time, further enhancing the results and providing long-lasting benefits. With proper aftercare and maintenance, you can enjoy the rejuvenated effects of Co2 Laser Resurfacing for months to come. Experience the joy of renewed confidence and a revitalized appearance as you witness the stunning results of Co2 Laser Resurfacing.



$499-$1199 / Treatment

Cartessa Tetra CoolPeel Co2 Laser Resurfacing FAQ’s

How does Co2 Laser Resurfacing work?
Co2 Laser Resurfacing uses fractional carbon dioxide laser technology to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin. This stimulates collagen production and encourages the growth of new, healthier skin cells, resulting in improved skin texture and a more youthful appearance.
Is Co2 Laser Resurfacing painful?
During the procedure, a topical anesthetic is applied to minimize any discomfort. Most patients report feeling a warming or tingling sensation during the treatment, but the overall discomfort is generally well-tolerated.
How long does a Co2 Laser Resurfacing session take?
The duration of the treatment depends on the size of the treatment area. Generally, a session can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours.
How many sessions of Co2 Laser Resurfacing are required?
The number of sessions needed varies depending on individual goals and skin condition. In most cases, significant improvements can be achieved with one to three sessions spaced several weeks apart.
What is the recovery time after Co2 Laser Resurfacing?
Recovery time can vary, but it typically takes about one to two weeks for the skin to fully heal. During this period, you may experience redness, swelling, and some peeling. Following the aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner will help ensure a smooth recovery.
Are there any side effects or risks associated with Co2 Laser Resurfacing?

Co2 Laser Resurfacing is generally safe when performed by a qualified professional. However, like any cosmetic procedure, there are potential risks, including temporary redness, swelling, and changes in skin pigmentation. These risks will be discussed during your consultation.

Can Co2 Laser Resurfacing treat all skin types?
Co2 Laser Resurfacing can be adapted to various skin types and tones. However, it is essential to consult with a trained professional who will assess your skin and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the treatment.
How long do the results of Co2 Laser Resurfacing last?

The results of Co2 Laser Resurfacing can be long-lasting, especially with proper skincare and maintenance. While the treatment does not stop the aging process, it can significantly improve skin texture, tone, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and protecting your skin from sun damage can help prolong the results.


Expertise and Experience, Personalized Approach Cutting Edge Technology and Quality Products

Expertise and Experience:

Our team consists of highly trained and experienced estheticians who are dedicated to providing top-notch skincare treatments. With their extensive knowledge and expertise in the field, they stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and techniques to offer you the best possible results.

Personalized Approach:

We believe that each individual has unique skincare concerns and goals. That's why we take a personalized approach to tailor our services to your specific needs. Whether you're seeking anti-aging treatments, skin rejuvenation, or addressing specific skin conditions, our estheticians will create a customized treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results.

Cutting-Edge Technology and Quality Products:

At Skin + Tonic Brighton, we prioritize using advanced technology and high-quality skincare products. We invest in state-of-the-art equipment and tools to ensure safe and effective treatments. Additionally, we carefully select reputable skincare brands that are known for their quality and efficacy, ensuring you receive the best possible care during your visit.


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