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SubNovi Plasma Skin Tightening Treatment

Restore Youthful Skin: Reveal Firmer and Tighter Complexion with SubNovi Plasma Skin Tightening

SubNovi Plasma Skin Tightening Treatment

Transform your skin with the SubNovi Plasma Pen Skin Tightening treatment at Skin & Tonic Brighton. This revolutionary service harnesses the power of plasma technology to address a wide range of skin concerns and provide you with a rejuvenated and more youthful appearance.

During the SubNovi Plasma Pen Skin Tightening treatment, precise and controlled pulses of plasma energy are delivered to the skin using a specialized pen-like device. This energy creates micro-traumas on the skin’s surface, stimulating the natural healing response of the body. As a result, collagen production is boosted, and the skin undergoes a remodeling process, leading to improved firmness, elasticity, and overall tightness.

One of the key benefits of the SubNovi Plasma Pen treatment is its versatility. It can be used to target various areas of the face and body, including the forehead, eyelids, crow’s feet, neck, jowls, and more. It effectively treats concerns such as sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, and uneven skin texture.

The SubNovi Plasma Pen Skin Tightening treatment offers a non-surgical and minimally invasive alternative to traditional skin tightening procedures. It requires no incisions, anesthesia, or lengthy downtime, making it a convenient and efficient option for those seeking noticeable improvements without the risks and recovery associated with surgery.

Following the treatment, you may experience some temporary redness, swelling, or scabbing in the treated area. These effects typically subside within a few days, revealing the gradual improvement in your skin’s tightness and texture. Results continue to enhance over several weeks as collagen production continues, providing a natural and long-lasting outcome.

At Skin & Tonic Brighton, our experienced practitioners will assess your specific concerns and design a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Whether you desire firmer facial contours, smoother skin, or an overall rejuvenated appearance, the SubNovi Plasma Pen Skin Tightening treatment can help you achieve your goals. Book a consultation with us today and discover the transformative effects of this innovative treatment.


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BENEFITS OF SubNovi Plasma Skin Tightening Treatment

The SubNovi Plasma Pen Skin Tightening treatment at Skin & Tonic Brighton offers a range of benefits that can help you achieve your desired skin rejuvenation goals:
Firmer and Tighter Skin:
The treatment stimulates collagen production and promotes skin remodeling, resulting in firmer, tighter, and more lifted skin. Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: The SubNovi Plasma Pen effectively targets fine lines and wrinkles, smoothing them out and improving their appearance.
Improved Skin Texture:
The treatment can help minimize the appearance of acne scars, uneven skin texture, and other surface irregularities, resulting in a smoother and more refined complexion.
Lifted Eyelids and Reduction of Crow's Feet:
By tightening the skin around the eyes, the Plasma Pen treatment can lift sagging eyelids and diminish the appearance of crow’s feet.
Enhanced Facial Contours:
The precise application of plasma energy can help contour and sculpt the face, improving the definition of features such as the jawline, cheeks, and neck.
Minimally Invasive and Non-Surgical:
The SubNovi Plasma Pen treatment offers a non-surgical alternative to traditional skin tightening procedures, requiring no incisions or anesthesia. It is a safe and minimally invasive option with minimal downtime.
Versatile Treatment Areas:
The Plasma Pen can be used on various areas of the face and body, allowing for targeted treatments to address specific concerns, such as sagging skin on the neck, jowls, or abdomen.
Long-Lasting Results:
As collagen production continues following the treatment, the results of SubNovi Plasma Pen Skin Tightening can be long-lasting, providing ongoing improvements to the skin’s firmness, texture, and overall appearance.

SubNovi Plasma Skin Tightening Treatment RESULTS

The SubNovi Plasma Pen Skin Tightening treatment at Skin & Tonic Brighton delivers impressive results, helping you achieve a rejuvenated and more youthful appearance. This innovative treatment stimulates collagen production, leading to improved skin elasticity and firmness. As a result, you will notice a visible tightening effect on the treated areas, reducing the appearance of sagging or loose skin. The treatment also targets fine lines, wrinkles, and surface irregularities, such as acne scars or rough patches, to create a smoother and more even skin texture. Over time, the treated areas will appear smoother and less pronounced, giving you a more youthful and refreshed look.


The Plasma Pen’s precise application allows for targeted treatment of wrinkles and fine lines, reducing their visibility and contributing to a more youthful appearance. Another remarkable result is the lifting of sagging eyelids and the reduction of crow’s feet, as the Plasma Pen tightens and rejuvenates the delicate skin around the eyes. By sculpting and contouring various areas of the face, such as the jawline, cheeks, and neck, the treatment enhances facial contours and creates a more balanced and harmonious appearance.


While some results may be noticeable immediately, the full benefits of the SubNovi Plasma Pen Skin Tightening treatment develop gradually over time as collagen continues to regenerate and remodel. These results can be long-lasting with proper skincare maintenance and periodic touch-up treatments. Our experienced estheticians will assess your specific needs and customize the treatment to achieve optimal results for your skin. Experience the transformative results of SubNovi Plasma Pen Skin  Tightening and regain a more youthful, rejuvenated, and lifted appearance.


SubNovi Plasma Skin Tightening Treatment


SubNovi Plasma Skin Tightening Treatment FAQ’s

How does the SubNovi Plasma Pen work?
The SubNovi Plasma Pen uses plasma energy to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin.
Is the SubNovi Plasma Pen treatment painful?
The treatment is generally well-tolerated by most individuals. A topical anesthetic is applied to ensure comfort during the procedure.
How long is the downtime after the SubNovi Plasma Pen treatment?
The downtime varies from person to person, but typically ranges from 5 to 7 days. During this time, you may experience mild swelling, redness, and tiny scabs that will naturally shed as the skin heals.
How many sessions are required to see results?
Most individuals see noticeable results after just one session. However, multiple sessions may be recommended for optimal and long-lasting results, depending on individual goals and skin condition.
Are the results of SubNovi Plasma Pen treatment permanent?
The treatment stimulates collagen production, which provides long-lasting results. However, the natural aging process will continue, so periodic maintenance treatments are recommended to sustain the desired results.
Can the SubNovi Plasma Pen be used on all skin types?
Yes, the SubNovi Plasma Pen is safe and effective for all skin types. Our skilled estheticians will assess your skin condition and customize the treatment accordingly.
Are there any side effects or risks associated with the treatment?
The SubNovi Plasma Pen treatment is considered safe when performed by a trained professional. However, mild side effects such as temporary redness, swelling, or scabbing may occur. These typically subside within a few days.
How soon can I see the results of the SubNovi Plasma Pen treatment?
Results can be seen immediately after the treatment, with continued improvement over the following weeks as collagen production is stimulated. The full results are typically visible within a few months.
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Expertise and Experience, Personalized Approach Cutting Edge Technology and Quality Products

Expertise and Experience:

Our team consists of highly trained and experienced estheticians who are dedicated to providing top-notch skincare treatments. With their extensive knowledge and expertise in the field, they stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and techniques to offer you the best possible results.

Personalized Approach:

We believe that each individual has unique skincare concerns and goals. That's why we take a personalized approach to tailor our services to your specific needs. Whether you're seeking anti-aging treatments, skin rejuvenation, or addressing specific skin conditions, our estheticians will create a customized treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results.

Cutting-Edge Technology and Quality Products:

At Skin + Tonic Brighton, we prioritize using advanced technology and high-quality skincare products. We invest in state-of-the-art equipment and tools to ensure safe and effective treatments. Additionally, we carefully select reputable skincare brands that are known for their quality and efficacy, ensuring you receive the best possible care during your visit.


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