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Post Care Virtue RF

Please review all pre and post instructions prior to signing consent for all treatments.
By providing your consent for these procedures, you acknowledge and agree to the following care instructions.

Post Care Virtue RF

After 72 Hours
  • You may resume normal skin care routine – Use SPF Daily
First 72 Hours
  • Avoid Direct Sun Exposure
  • Avoid Make Up ( you may wear eye makeup after the first 24 hours)
  • Only use soft cloth to pat dry
For Best Results
  • Use Medical Grade Skin Care Products ( please ask for assistance if you are not sure if the products you are currently using are the best recommendation for your skin needs)
  • Hydrate with Aquafacials and or Dermaplaning for optimal result
Notify staff in advance if you have a history of Cold sores

Pretreat 3-5 days prior and 3-5 days post treatment to prevent breakout. First 24 hours: 

  • Rinse Face with Cool Water
  • No Make up
  • Change Pillowcase to avoid bacteria
  • Avoid ASA ( if you are prescribed aspirin by your doctor please consult your physician
  • Remain upright for at least 2-3 hours post treatment
  • Only use cool rinse or the Aloe from Mask in Care Kit -use soft cloth to pat dry
Things to understand
  • Genetics, hormones, medication and skin color may interfere with the ability to perform an effective treatment.
  • Please remember there are risks involved with ALL Cosmetic Enhancements, possible complications and or adverse reactions that are of potential risk are:

If signs of infection develop, such as pain, heat, or surrounding redness, please call our office  810-522-4799 Pre Instructions:

  • Prep skin with medical grade skin care products, hydrate with Aquafacials and or Dermaplanning for optimal results
  • An Oral Collagen supplement can increase the benefit and results of this treatment
  • Avoid Blood Thinners, Motrin, Aspirin and any supplements the decrease coagulation of blood
  • Avoid Tanning beds, sunless tanning products, extended natural sun exposure
  • Inquire about add on services that can be paired with the Virtue RF for The very best results
  • Schedule a Skin Wave Aquafacial prior to your next VIrtue RF to increase skin hydration and collagen production,
  • Stack a Co2 Cool Peel treatment to maximize results
  •  Continue Medical Grade Skin Care
  • Have Botox injected at the end of your treatment series to maintain reduction of wrinkles,
  • Take Oral Collagen supplements and Use Hyaluronic Acid topicals to increase tone and volume.
What to do next
  • If you are on a package, it is your responsibility to confirm your next treatment appointment.
  • It is recommended to have 3-4 treatments and once maintenance in 6 months, repeat following year to continue to increase and maintain results and collagen production
What to do when your package is complete
  1. Submit post photos to assist your provider in sharing results
  2. Share a review on google and or facebook to share your experience with others

PROTECT YOUR RESULTS BY USING SUNSCREEN SUNSCREEN SUNSCREEN If you have any questions or concerns please contact staff: 810-522-4799 

What to Expect
  • Your skin may be red for a few hours, Most others will only notice a glow to your skin. May feel like a mild sunburn
  • Minimal pinpoint bleeding ,Mild Redness and or Swelling ,Mild Discomfort- Take Tylenol not Motrin of needed,
  • Warmth to the skin from the Radio Frequency,Mild tingling if numbing cream was used.

Thank you for entrusting us with your beautiful face 😉

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